Holiday in Malá Morávka in Jeseníky mountains is a great choice. If you are looking for an accomodation where you will be happy to come back from your trips, here is the right place. We have two comfortable apartments, sauna, big mountain meadow by the brook, outside seating with a smokehouse, natural forest spa.
All for your better mountain experience. We will be happy if you become our guests.


Wooden Finnish built-in sauna with timer is placed in the building with apartments. It is freely accessible also for the guests of cottage. At the sauna there is also the relaxing room with shower, cooling bucket and seating. More pictures of sauna.
Take a look at our virtual tour: interior


The whirlpool is located on the open-air terrace. It is comfortable to relax in the whirlpool when you come back from your trips. The whirlpool is available from spring to autumn.
The whirlpool is for additional cost and it must be booked together with your stay. Prepared whirlpool will be available only for you for the entire duration of your stay. It is protected by a code that you will receive by email before arrival.

Forest spa

Try hydrotherapy with cold water in our natural Forest spa inspired by the methods of Vincencz Priessnitz and Sebastian Kneipp. Water therapy improves heart function, increases the body's defenses and resistance to infections and relieves pain.
The Forest Spa is located on the garden of the Montanus Apartments and is available free of charge to guests of the apartments and summer cottage.
We prepared several procedures for you: stork-walk, arm bad, pouring of limbs, nape and the whole body, Priessnitz's seat and massage path. All these procedures can be interspersed by the stay on sunny terasse and by active warming of the body.

Garden and outdoor activities

V areálu apartmánů Montanus se nudit nebudete. Můžete se těšit na:
- ohniště
- udírnu
- venkovní posezení
- pískoviště pro děti
- velkou travnatou plochu pro Vaše hry
Take a look at our virtual tour: exterior

Herb garden

Enjoy your stay in the mountains as healthily as possible.Rosemary, fresh mint and sage await you in the herb garden during the summer season for the preparation of refreshing drinks and meals.We recommend herbal tea made from fresh mint or refreshing mojito.

Privátní fitness (součástí apartmánu Priessnitz)

Hostům apartmánu Priessnitz je volně dostupná privátní fitness místnost. Jedinou podmínkou pro vstup je čistá, nejlépe sálová obuv. Více fotek ve fotogalerii Apartmán Priessnitz.